Global Health International Congress - Equity in Health: A Global Challenge

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    Global Health


    The Organizing Committee of the Global Health International Congress is proud to announce that the call for abstracts is now open. Submissions for abstracts upon acceptance will undergo selection based on strict criteria for presentation at the congress between October 18th to 24th. 

    Abstract Submission Deadline: October 3rd, 2021 (Sunday), at 23 hours and 59 minutes, GMT0 time.

    Abstract Status Announcements: The receipt of the opinion of the approved works will be announced, on the registration website, until October 11th, 2021 at 23:59, GMT0.

    Submission of the presentation video / poster: October 13th.

    • The work submitted to the selection must be in the expanded abstract format (It must contain: title, keywords, summary, introduction, discussion and results, conclusion).
    • Students and professionals from any area of ​​knowledge and any nationality may participate in the submission.
    • All abstracts must be submitted through the platform. Abstracts sent by other means (e-mail, instagram, twitter) will not be considered.
    • Abstracts will not be considered for presentation if they have been published as an article or have been accepted for publication (including manuscripts) in printed or electronic formats upon the submission deadline.
    • All abstracts must be written in English.
    • Changes to the abstract can be requested if the abstract is selected for publication in a journal.
    • A total of 15 abstracts will be selected, all being scored and ranked. The 5 best will be selected for oral presentation and the others for virtual poster exhibition.

    • Strengthening Health Systems, Public Health Worldwide.
    • Vulnerable Populations.
    • Conflicts, Genocide, Colonialism and its Effect on Health.
    • Migration Impacts on Health & Wellbeing; Refugees.
    • Food Security & Insecurity in Regions of the World, Food Sovereignty & Land Rights.
    • Planetary Health, Environmental Health, Climate Change & its Effect on Health.
    • Epidemics, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Neglected Diseases.

    • The deadline for submission will start on August 31th, 2021 (Tuesday) and will end on October 3rd, 2021 (Sunday), at 23 hours and 59 minutes, GMT0 time. Abstracts sent after this date and time will not be accepted for selection purposes.
    • Entries must be submitted exclusively through platform.
    • All authors of the work must be registered for the event. Each group must have 1 (one) author and at most 5 (five) co-authors.
    • A total of 15 works will be selected, all being scored and ranked. The 5 best abstracts will be selected for oral presentation and the others for virtual poster exhibition.
    • The 5 best approved groups of each theme must record a presentation and send it in video format with a MAXIMUM duration of 15 minutes running, following guidance sent after approval.
    • The complete work (oral presentation or poster) must be sent by October 13th.
    • Duplicate abstracts will be excluded from the system by the Scientific Committee.
    The work submitted to the selection must be in the expanded abstract format (It must contain: title, keywords, name and institutional affiliation of group members, summary, background/introduction, discussion and results, conclusion).
    • The abstracts must be done in accordance with VANCOUVER standards.
    • Abstracts in the following categories will be accepted:
      • Literature revision: review of the scientific literature on a specific subject.
      • Case report: clinical case relevant to global health.
      • Original Research: original works based on scientific research already completed on a specific subject of global health.
    • Submitted abstracts should contain:
      • Title: maximum of 25 words.
      • Name and institutional affiliation of group members.
      • Summary: must have a background/introduction, objectives, methodology, results and discussion
      • Keywords: Minimum 3 and maximum 6 keywords
      • Background/Introduction: Indicate the purpose and objective of the research, the hypothesis that was tested or a description of the problem being analyzed or evaluated.
      • Methods: Describe the study period/setting/location, study design, data collection and methods of analysis used. How were they selected/recruited?
      • Discussion and Results: Present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the findings/outcome of the study.
        • Describe specific findings and analysis of data. (Texts with content "to be analyzed" or "waiting for results" will not be accepted)
      • Conclusions: Explain the significance of the relative findings and future implications of the result. Interpretation of the results and their significance.
      • Bibliographic References: Following Vancouver Standards.
      • Sources of Funding: Max 10 words. If none, write “none”.
    • Word Limits
    • Abstract is limited to 7,000 characters and a minimum of 4,500 characters including the title, and that should not be more than 25 words.  
      • Figures, tables submitted as images, spaces and bibliographic references do not count against the 7,000 character limit
    • Arial font, size 12, justified, 1.5 line spacing. The title of each session must be written in bold.

    • Tables/Graphs
      • May be included but not more than 7 rows and 10 columns

    • Copyright Policy
      • Abstracts should not include any defamatory content nor should they violate copyright laws. If figures/graphs/images have been used their sources ought to be cited. It is the author’s sole responsibility to secure the rights from the copyright holder in writing to reproduce those figures/graphics/images for both worldwide print and web publication. 
      • The Global Health International Congress will not be responsible for these costs, as such all reproduction costs charged by the copyright holder must be borne by the author. 

    • Resubmission Policy
      • Any abstract previously published or presented at another conference is discouraged but qualifies given there are new findings or other valid reasons for submission. However, the author will need to provide details of the publication or presentation.
      • Any abstract submitted verbatim that is published elsewhere will automatically be disqualified. 

    • Plagiarism
      • The Global Health International Congress has zero tolerance for plagiarism. If plagiarism is identified, the authors will be subject to serious professional misconduct law and abstracts will automatically be rejected. 

    • Research on humans or animals
      • Abstracts in which research on human beings or animals were carried out will only be accepted if they were approved by the appropriate Research Ethics Committee. The approval opinion number must be included in the work methodology.

    •  Image rights: 
      • All authors who submit articles to the International Congress on Global Health are authorizing the congress to use their image, to transmit the oral presentation video during the congress and later in publications on social networks.

    • Authors do not have to be members of one of the sponsoring societies to submit an abstract.
    • Obtain approval in advance from all co-authors before placing their names on the abstract. Submission of an abstract denotes that co-authors as well as authors have read the abstract, take responsibility for its content, and approve that their names appear on the abstract. Failure to obtain approval from all group will result in immediate rejection of the abstract.
    • All authors and co-authors must provide disclosures of potential conflicts of interest. List any financial interests, assistance, or relationships with companies, supporters, or commercial products that are related to the research (for example, research support, grants, sponsors, stockholder, etc.). 
    • Adding or removing authors after the submission deadline is not permitted.

    • All abstracts will go through a blind review process by the Global International Congress Reviewing Committee. Abstract scores and rankings will be used to evaluate submissions and selected abstracts will be invited for oral presentation or virtual poster exhibition.

    • Notification of acceptance will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) author. Please note that only the corresponding author will receive an email concerning the status and is responsible for informing all co-authors. 
    • If an author is invited to present and does not confirm their participation, the abstract may be withdrawn. Declined invitations will result in automatic withdrawal.
    • Reasons for Abstract Rejection:
      • Poorly Written
      • Unclear objectives and hypothesis is missing
      • Lack of cohesion and logically flow
      • Summary of essential results are inadequate and/or missing
    • The submission of the abstracts constitutes the authors’ consent to publication. 
    • The results of the selected abstracts will also be published on our social media networks, until October 11th, 2021 at 23:59, GMT0.
    • The 5 best approved works will be presented in video format. The oral presentation will be performed through a recorded video with a minimum duration of 7 minutes and a maximum duration of 15 minutes
    • The presentation must include: a main presenter (main author of the article) and a maximum of 2 presenters.
    • All presentation must be in English.
    • The template of the slides for the presentation of the clinical case, as well as the other guidelines, will be sent by email on October 11th, 2021, on the scheduled date for the disclosure of the result.
    • The deadline for submission of the oral presentation on video is October 13th, 2021.

    • 10 papers will be selected for virtual poster exhibition format. The works selected for this modality must make an e-poster about the abstract, which will be available on the congress website throughout the event
    • All the information must be in English.
    • The poster’s template will be sent by email on October 11th, 2021, on the scheduled date for the disclosure of the result.
    • The deadline for submission of the poster is October 13th, 2021.

    Oral presentation
    • A certificate of oral presentation will be available to each member of the group, containing the name of the author, co-author (s) and publication in the Electronic Annals of the online event.
      • Members who record the Oral Presentation video will also receive a speaker certificate.
    • A certificate of poster presentation will be available to each member of the group, containing the name of the author, co-author (s) and publication in the Electronic Annals of the online event.
    • All Electronic Annals of the event will be published with ISBN code, through the event website
    • Selected works will have the chance to be published in an indexed journal.


    Global Health International Congress Organizing Committee.