I Integrative International Congress on Animal and Environmental Health
De 25/06 a 28/06

I Integrative International Congress on Animal and Environmental Health

Organized by Nilton Lins University


Sobre o congresso

Welcome to the I Integrative International Congress on Animal and Environmental Health!
We are excited to announce the inaugural Integrative International Congress on Animal and Environmental Health (I IICAEH), a groundbreaking event that bridges different subjects and the frontiers for a sustainable future. This event is organized by Nilton Lins University (UNINILTON LINS, Brazil) in partnership with the Instituto Federal do Amazonas (IFAM, Brazil), and collaborating with researchers from various renowned institutions worldwide (Brazil, Chile, Mozambique, Peru, Portugal, Spain, and the United States of America). Our mission is to advocate for a holistic approach that enhances our understanding of the interconnections between animal, human, and environmental health. Our goal is to facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration and integration across these diverse subjects, with the aim of achieving significant advancements in global health and well-being.
Key Objectives:
  •  Explore Emerging Diseases, Zoonoses, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), and Environmental Impacts on Health.
  •  Promote understanding in Integrative Veterinary Medicine, highlighting the interactions between animal, human, and environmental health.
Commitment to the Amazon Region and Beyond:
We are focused on the Amazon region, a critically important area due to its unique biodiversity. We acknowledge the challenges posed by anthropogenic activities and, in this context, underscore the crucial relevance of Veterinary Medicine.
Event Highlights:
  •  Scientific Conference: Explore cutting-edge research and advancements in integrative animal and environmental health.
  •  Short Courses: Deepen the knowledge through specialized courses led by experts in the field.
  •  Roundtables: Engage in in-depth discussions on key topics with thought leaders and practitioners.
  •  Student Events: Tailored events to empower the next generation of professionals in the field.
  •  Receptions: Forge meaningful connections and expand your network in a laid-back and enjoyable environment.
Event Details:
Date: June 25-28, 2024
Location: Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

Sponsored by: Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas, Secretaria de Desenvolvimento, Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (SEDECTI) do Estado do Amazonas (Programa de Apoio à Realização de Eventos Científicos e Tecnológicos no Estado do Amazonas – PAREV – Edital Nº 005/2023)
Perguntas frequentes


José Manuel Yáñez

José Manuel Yáñez

Dean and Full Professor of the Faculty of Veterinary and Livestock Sciences of the University of Chile. Saiba mais

Paula Ribeiro Prist

Paula Ribeiro Prist

Dr. Paula Ribeiro Prist is the Principal Scientist for Conservation and Health at EcoHealth Alliance, United States. Saiba mais

Noélia Lúcia Simões Falcão

Noélia Lúcia Simões Falcão

Coordinator of the NITs Arrangement of Western Amazonia (AMOCI/MCTI) Saiba mais

Mathias Alberto Schramm

Mathias Alberto Schramm

Professor at IFSC/Itajaí/SC in the Professional Master's Degree in Climate and Environment. Saiba mais

Está chegando o grande dia!

De 25/06 a 28/06

Participe do evento! Faça agora mesmo a sua inscrição gratuita!


DAY 1 - JUNE 25

(sujeita a alterações)


Visualizar no fuso horário: Brasilia (GMT-03:00)

Acesso exclusivo
25/06/24, 17:00

Accreditation and Opening


Alessandra Ferreira Dales Nava
Acesso exclusivo
25/06/24, 18:00

One health: key role of the veterinarian and experiences in the Amazon

Alessandra Ferreira Dales Nava

Carolina Torres Alejo
Acesso exclusivo
25/06/24, 19:00

Molecular diagnostic tools to enhance zoonotic disease surveillance and outbreak responses - Thermo Fisher Scientific

Carolina Torres Alejo

Acesso exclusivo
25/06/24, 20:00

Cocktail reception



DAY 2 - JUNE 26

(sujeita a alterações)


Visualizar no fuso horário: Brasilia (GMT-03:00)

Sandro Antonio Pereira
Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 09:30

Animal and zoonotic sporotrichosis within the context of One health

Sandro Antonio Pereira

André Buzutti de Siqueira
Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 11:00

Microbial toxins on foods of animal origin: public health impacts

André Buzutti de Siqueira

Carlos Sacristán Yagüe
Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 12:00

Emergence of the HPAI H5N1 subclade of avian influenza: a One Health and conservation challenge

Carlos Sacristán Yagüe


Mathias Alberto Schramm
Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 09:30

What we know about Haff Disease in Brazil

Mathias Alberto Schramm

Inácio Mateus Assane
Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 11:00

Antimicrobials in Aquatic Environments: Usage, Residues, and Risks to Human Health

Inácio Mateus Assane

Fabíola Domingos-Moreira
Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 12:00

Metals in aquatic animals from the Amazon: impacts on environmental health and quality of life

Fabíola Domingos-Moreira


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 15:00

Opening Lecture “Marketing and consumption of fish in China: a case study”


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 15:20

Autochthonous and allocthonous bacteria as probiotic candidates against Flavobacterium oreochromis in matrinxã larvae


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 15:40

Bacterial resistance profile of raw sewage isolates from the city of Rio Branco, Acre


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 16:00

Development of a phage spray prototype with anti-salmonella action for fish conservation


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 16:20

Differential expression of the immune-related genes during early phase of acute infection with Flavobacterium oreochromis in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 16:40

Effect of a biotechnology from a purple non-sulphur bacteria on the microbial community of water before and after treatment


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 17:00

Banner evaluation and Coffee-Break


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 18:00

Efficacy of injectable vaccine against Flavobacterium oreochromis in tambaqui Colossoma macropomum


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 18:20

Evaluation of antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella genus isolated from sewage samples collected in the urban area of Santarém – Pará


Acesso exclusivo
26/06/24, 18:40

Influence of cryoprotector and storage temperature on the viability of freeze dried Lactoccocus lactis



DAY 3 - JUNE 27

(sujeita a alterações)


Visualizar no fuso horário: Brasilia (GMT-03:00)

Paola Alejandra Navarrete Wallace
Acesso exclusivo
27/06/24, 09:00

SC1 - Molecular tools for the study of animal and environmental microbiome

Paola Alejandra Navarrete Wallace

Acessar resta(m) 20 vaga(s)
Inácio Mateus Assane
Acesso exclusivo
27/06/24, 09:00

SC2 - Antimicrobial Discovery in Aquaculture: In vitro Tests

Inácio Mateus Assane

Acessar resta(m) 20 vaga(s)
SC3 - Genomic techniques for selection of disease-resistant animals
Acesso exclusivo
27/06/24, 09:00

SC3 - Genomic techniques for selection of disease-resistant animals

Liane Ney Bassini, José Manuel Yáñez

Acessar resta(m) 20 vaga(s)
SC4 - Detecting zoonotic diseases associated with fish consumption
Acesso exclusivo
27/06/24, 09:00

SC4 - Detecting zoonotic diseases associated with fish consumption

André Buzutti de Siqueira, André Luiz Medeiros de Souza

Acessar resta(m) 18 vaga(s)
Fernando Yugo Yamamoto
Acesso exclusivo
27/06/24, 09:00

SC5 - Nutritional supplements and fish health

Fernando Yugo Yamamoto

Acessar resta(m) 20 vaga(s)
SC6 – Technology transfer: from the laboratory to the market
Acesso exclusivo
27/06/24, 09:00

SC6 – Technology transfer: from the laboratory to the market

Noélia Lúcia Simões Falcão, Carlos Filipe Guimarães, Cristorffer Silva Guimarães Pacaio, Afrânio Agripino da Silva Porto

Acessar resta(m) 19 vaga(s)

DAY 4 - JUNE 28

(sujeita a alterações)


Visualizar no fuso horário: Brasilia (GMT-03:00)

Sergio Eli Recuenco Cabrera
Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 09:30

What do we know about Zoonoses in the Amazon Basin?

Sergio Eli Recuenco Cabrera

Paula Ribeiro Prist
Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 11:00

Planning for Healthy Landscapes in Tropical Areas

Paula Ribeiro Prist

Sergio Eli Recuenco Cabrera
Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 12:00

We Made Wild Animals Sick. Should We Vaccinate Them Too?

Sergio Eli Recuenco Cabrera


Carlos Sacristán Yagüe
Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 09:30

Aquatic mammals: indicators of human and environmental health

Carlos Sacristán Yagüe

Liane Ney Bassini
Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 11:00

Health of farmed fish: experiences from the salmon industry

Liane Ney Bassini

Paola Alejandra Navarrete Wallace
Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 12:00

Prospection of probiotics for aquatic animals

Paola Alejandra Navarrete Wallace


Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 15:00

From sea to land: enhancing coastal biomes and urban ecosystems with Kappaphycus alvarezii and other seaweed-based solutions


Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 15:20

Antimicrobial activity of commercial stingless bee propolis extract in association with silver nanoparticles


Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 15:40

Multilocus sequence typing of Lactococcus petauri strains isolated from brazilian native fish species reveals genetic difference in relation to isolates obtained in outbreaks on the american tilapia and trout farms


Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 16:00

Pneumonia associate with mechanical ventilation: profile of hospital infection in an intensive care unit, Rio Branco-Acre


Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 16:20

Wild animals and human health: description of the bushmeat trade in the city of Coari (AM)


Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 16:40

Mortality and physiologic effects of the insecticide dicarzol to matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus)


Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 17:00

Banner evaluation and Coffee-Break


Acesso exclusivo
28/06/24, 18:00

Awards and Closing Ceremony



Organização e Comitê Científico

André Luiz Medeiros de Souza

André Luiz Medeiros de Souza

Scientific Committee Extensionist and researcher. Advisor at SEDEICS, member of technical/scientific groups on Aquatic Animals in Brazil. Saiba mais

Liane Ney Bassini

Liane Ney Bassini

Scientific Committee Professor and researcher at Andres Bello University, Chile Saiba mais

José Manuel Yáñez

José Manuel Yáñez

Scientific Committee        Dean and Full Professor of the Faculty of Veterinary and Livestock Sciences of the University of Chile.  Saiba mais

Rodrigo de Souza Amaral

Rodrigo de Souza Amaral

Organizing Committee Professor and researcher at the Federal Institute of Amazonas – IFAM. He is currently carrying out research on the reproduction, morphology and conservation of aquatic mammals... Saiba mais

Renato Barbosa Ferraz

Renato Barbosa Ferraz

Scientific Committee Professor and Researcher at Nilton Lins University (Manaus). Responsible for the area of ​​genomic research applied to aquaculture.  Saiba mais

Gustavo da Silva Claudiano

Gustavo da Silva Claudiano

Scientific Committee    Professor and Researcher at the Federal University of Western Pará. He has experience in the area of ​​Aquatic Animal Health. Saiba mais

Sílvia Umeda Gallani

Sílvia Umeda Gallani

Organizing Committee     Professor and Researcher at the Nilton Lins University. She has experience in the area of ​​Aquatic Animal Health. Saiba mais

Barbara Aparecida Chaves

Barbara Aparecida Chaves

Organizing Committee Scientific Researcher at Instituto Todos pela Saúde (ITpS). Specialist in vector/pathogen interaction and vector competence studies, experience in vectors of arboviruses and/o... Saiba mais

Elis Dionísio da Silva

Elis Dionísio da Silva

Scientific Committee   Professor and Researcher at UFAM, in the area of ​​Parasitology and Immunology, with an emphasis on Human Parasitic Protozoology. Saiba mais

Waleska Gravena

Waleska Gravena

Scientific Committee Professor and Researcher at UFAM, she works in the area of ​​Genetics and Molecular Biology, with an emphasis on conservation genetics. Saiba mais

Alexandre Alberto Tonin

Alexandre Alberto Tonin

Scientific Committee Professor and researcher at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas - IFAM, temporarily working at the Federal University of Santa Maria - Colég... Saiba mais

Alessandra Ferreira Dales Nava

Alessandra Ferreira Dales Nava

Organizing Committee  Researcher at Lêonidas and Maria Deane Institute (FIOCRUZ-AM). Member of international groups related to One Health. Saiba mais

Gustavo Moraes Ramos Valladão

Gustavo Moraes Ramos Valladão

Organizing Committee Researcher at Nilton Lins University, professor in the Postgraduate Program in Aquaculture (PPGAQUI) and in the Postgraduate Program in Biodiversity and Biotechnology (Rede BIO... Saiba mais

Paola Alejandra Navarrete Wallace

Paola Alejandra Navarrete Wallace

Organizing Committee Assistant Professor, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology, University of Chile. Saiba mais

Isadora Karolina Freitas de Sousa

Isadora Karolina Freitas de Sousa

Scientific Committee Professor and researcher at the Federal Institute of Amazonas. She has experience in the field of veterinary medicine, with an emphasis on equine and ruminant medical clinics. Saiba mais

André Buzutti de Siqueira

André Buzutti de Siqueira

Scientific Committee Professor and researcher at the Federal University of Roraima. He has experience in the area of ​​Veterinary Medicine, with an emphasis on Inspection of Animal Products. Saiba mais

Fernando Yugo Yamamoto

Fernando Yugo Yamamoto

Organizing Committee   Assistant Researcher at Mississippi State University, United States. Saiba mais

Inácio Mateus Assane

Inácio Mateus Assane

Organizing Committee  Lecturer and Researcher at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at UniZambeze, Mozambique. Saiba mais

Rejane dos Santos Sousa

Rejane dos Santos Sousa

Scientific Committee   Researcher and Professor at the Instituto de Estudos do Trópico Úmido (IETU) at the Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA). Saiba mais

Luís Filipe Costa de Castro

Luís Filipe Costa de Castro

Scientific Committee    Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto. Saiba mais



ThermoFisher Scientific


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas - EDITAL N.º 005/2023 – PROGRAMA DE APOIO À REALIZAÇÃO DE EVENTOS CIENTÍFICOS E TECNOLÓGICOS NO ESTADO DO AMAZONAS – PAREV Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência, Tecnologia e inovação - SEDECTI Governo do Estado do Amazonas Vice reitoria pós-graduação
extensão bionorte ppgaqui ifam
Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia da Biodiversidade e Uso Sustentável de Peixes Neotropicais CAPES