A fresh look at the concept of Genus Epidemicus: findings from the Clificol Project
Autor(es): TOURNIER; Alexander, FOK; Yuen, HASELEN; Robbert
Palavras-chave: Genus Epidemicus, COVID-19, Clificol, Individualization, cluster analysis
Analysis of homeopathic remedies prepared at UFRJ University Pharmacy in 2018.
Autor(es): OLIVEIRA; Lucas, OLIVEIRA; Adriana, HOMSANI; Fortune
Palavras-chave: Homeopathy, homeopathic prescribing, homeopathic remedies, University Pharmacy, UFRJ
Anatomy of Aconitum napellus L.: a new contribution to Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia
Autor(es): MACHADO; Camila, ARMSTRONG; Lorene, DELL'AVANZI; Gabriela, OLIVEIRA; Adriana, HOLANDINO; Carla, ROCHA; Leandro, MEIER; Jakob, BUDEL; Jane
Palavras-chave: Aconitum, Homeopathy, Pharmacopeia, Quality Control, Ranunculaceae
Carcinosinum produces phenotypic changes of 4T1 tumor cells in vitro
Autor(es): DA SILVA; Thaís, .; William
Palavras-chave: Carcinosinum, 4T1 cells, homeopathy, adenocarcinoma
Characterization of physicochemical markers for homeopathic medicines and biological supernatant samples
Autor(es): PINTO; Sandra, APARICIO; Ana, SOUZA,; Jefferson, SUFFREDINI; Ivana, CARTWRIGHT; Steven, BONAMIN; Leoni
Palavras-chave: Homeopathy, spectrophotometry, solvatochromic dyes
Comparative analysis for quality control of mother tinctures in Brazilian reports
Autor(es): PINHEIRO; Hayla, NEVES; Andréa, BARBOSA; Gleyce, DE CAMPOS; Vânia
Palavras-chave: Homeopathic mother tincture, quality control, analysis report
Control of Rhipicephalus microplus ticks in dairy cattle using homeopathic therapy
Autor(es): DE SOUZA; Mônica, BRUM; Lucas
Palavras-chave: ticks, agroecology, ultra-diluted, epidemic genius, teleogines
Effect of homeopathy on quality of corncobs naturally exposed to sugarcane virus
Autor(es): DE SOUZA; Mônica, BRUM3; Kácio
Palavras-chave: Zea mays, kernel quality, agroecology, agrohomeopathy, quantum agriculture
Effect of homeopathy on soybean germination through soil and seed treatment
Autor(es): DE SOUZA; Mônica, BRUM3; Kácio
Palavras-chave: Glycine max, seed quality, agroecology, agrohomeopathy, quantum agriculture
Environmental parameters modulate lead chloride toxicity on Artemia salina
Autor(es): MOHAMMAD; Suham, VILLANO; Leoni
Palavras-chave: ecotoxicology, microcrustacean, circalunar cycle, water agitation
Evaluation of homeopathy effects associated with conventional periodontal therapy in randomized treatment of diabetic and non- diabetic patients with periodontitis
Autor(es): MOURAO; Leila, 4; Miriam
Palavras-chave: Periodontal therapy, periodontitis, diabetes mellitus, homeopathy and dentistry
Evaluation of the effectiveness of arnica montana 6ch in the control of postoperative myalgia by isometric effort in dentistry
Autor(es): NARDY; Rosy, NUNES; Adriana, BARROSO; Leonardo, GUIMARÃES; Cristina
Palavras-chave: Isometry, Thermography, Homeopathy, Endodontics, Arnica montana 6CH
Evaluation of the in vitro fungicidal activity of the dynamized essential oil of Aloysia polystachya before and after freezing
Autor(es): NADER; Talita, HENRIQUE; Camila, 1; Alexandre, PEREIRA; Ana
Palavras-chave: Candida albicans, Aloisia polystachya, homeopathy, high dilution, conservation
Evolution of clinical symptoms of Covid-19 in healthcare professionals treated with China officinalis
Autor(es): GOSIK; Maria, MENDES; Maria, TAKEUTI; Isabella, OLIVEIRA; Adriana
Palavras-chave: Homeopathy, Medicine, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2
Exposure of Artemia salina to glyphosate and bioremediation by isotherapy
Autor(es): NAGAI; Mirian, BONAMIN1; Andreia
Palavras-chave: Artemia salina, glyphosate, isotherapic, homeopathy, eco-toxicity
Heteroisotherapics effect on the treatment against smoking: a cognitive-behavioral approach
Autor(es): LEITE; Mary, OLIVEIRA; Fortune
Palavras-chave: Heteroisotherapics, Tobacco, Behaviour, Homeopathy
High Dilution in Dyslipidemia treatment in Dogs and Rabbits
Autor(es): SCARDOELI; Bruna, COELHO; Cidéli
Palavras-chave: Homeopathy, Dyslipidemia, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, Overweight
Homeopathic medicine activity on the growth of Gram-negative
Autor(es): PRADO; Everton, PASSETI; Tania, MARQUEZ; Audrey, DINIZ; Susana
Palavras-chave: Homeopathy, Escherichia coli, Urinary Tract Infection, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria
Homeopathy on cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and impact on fermentation
Autor(es): QUEIROZ; Vinícius, DE ALMEIDA; Roberto, DINIZ; Susana, PASSETI; Tânia, MARQUES; Audrey
Palavras-chave: Homeopathy, Saccharomyces cerevisiae “in vitro”, fermentation
Influence of homeopathy on the quality of quail eggs stored for different periods of time
Autor(es): DE SOUZA; Monica, 4,; Wellington
Palavras-chave: Quail farming, organic products, ultra-highly diluted remedies, egg weight, egg production
In vitro evaluation of Sporothrix brasiliensis biotherapic
Autor(es): BRITO; Amanda, DE SOUZA; Lais, BAPTISTA; Andrea, BARBOSA; Gleyce
Palavras-chave: Sporothrix brasiliensis, biotherapic, in vitro
In vitro evaluation of the effects of Viscum album homeopathic preparations on murine melanoma cells
Autor(es): DO PRADO; Priscila, HOLANDINO; Carla, BAUMGARTNER; Stephan, DA SILVA; Thaís, BONAMIN; Leoni, HURTADO; Elizabeth
Palavras-chave: Mistletoe, Viscum album, Abies alba, Quercus robur, high dilutions, antitumoral potential
La Gioconda Effect, Homeopathy and Self-Organizing Factors of Biofield methodology
Autor(es): DA SILVA; Silvio
Palavras-chave: La Gioconda Effect, History and Development of Homeopathy, Behavior, Leonardo DaVinci
Lycopodium as a treatment for Urate Deposition (gout) in birds: case report
Autor(es): COELHO; Cideli, ANCKEN; Adalberto, PINHEIRO; Sonia
Palavras-chave: homeopathy, joint, urate crystals, Nymphicus hollandicus
Lycopodium clavatum as a homeopathic treatment in Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus).
Autor(es): NARITA; Franscinne, GALLO; Hugo, COELHO; Cidéli
Palavras-chave: Homeopathy, High Dilutions, Sea birds, Uric acid
Macrophage activity regulation by high dilution of aspirin and its possible mechanism
Autor(es): ANCKEN; Adalberto, EIZAYAGA; Francisco, BONAMIN; Leoni
Palavras-chave: LPS, homeopathy, solvatochromic dyes, cytokines, NO
Morphoanatomical parameters for quality control of the herbal drug Actaea racemosa L.
Autor(es): ARMSTRONG; Lorene, MACHADO; Camila, DELL'AVANZI; Gabriela, OLIVEIRA; Adriana, HOLANDINO; Carla, ROCHA; Leandro, BUDEL; Jane
Palavras-chave: Actaea racemosa, Homeopathy, Morphoanatomy, Quality Control
Neurobehavioral assessment of Danio rerio intoxicated by Mercury and the use of Mercurius solubilis
Autor(es): MANZOLI; Marco, SANTOS; Rafael, BIDO; Elaine, VIEIRA; Henrique, COELHO; Cideli
Palavras-chave: Ultra-diluted Drug, Danio rerio, Mercury, Open field
NMR analysis: potential and challenges as a homeopathic basic research tool
Autor(es): BEIER; Daniela, FRAGOSO; Miriam, BASTOS; Cintia, DOS SANTOS; Julia, SILVA; Lucas, DE CAMPOS; Vania, OLIVEIRA; Adriana, VALENTE; Ana, HOLANDINO; Carla
Palavras-chave: Proton Magnetic Nuclear Resonance, T2 values, Homeopathic remedies, Zincum metallucum, ultradiluted solutions
Practical teaching of pathophysiology to LAFFH at the IPD outpatient clinic of FMP/FASE: Historical Report
Autor(es): MARTINS; Claudio, SPERDUTO; Victor, BERNARDO; Roberta, PIRES; Thaís, VARRICCHIO; Marcia
Palavras-chave: Practical teaching, Neglected Diseases, Homeopathy, Pathophysiology, LAFFH
Reflections on the fundamental nature of homeopathic potencies: Plasma, Langmuir Adsorption and Vitalism
Autor(es): CARTWRIGHT; Steven
Palavras-chave: Plasma
Series of experiments performed with the droplet evaporation method on lo potencies
Palavras-chave: droplet evaporation method, crystallization, homeopathy, low potencies
Stress - another possible mechanism of neurotoxicity in neurodegenerative diseases
Autor(es): MENDES; Maria, JR; Paulo
Palavras-chave: Stress, neurotoxicity, Complex Sistems Model, Syphilinism
Teaching and practice in Homeopathy via pharmacobotany and pathophysiology
Autor(es): MARTINS; Claudio, MUSMANNO; Patrícia, GASPAR; Sandra, XIMENES; Josiane, NAGAMATSU; Denise, TAVARES; Fábio, VARRICCHIO; Marcia, BOLOGNANI; Fabio
Palavras-chave: Medicinal plant garden, Pathophysiology, Pharmacobotany, Homeopathy, Calendula officinalis
The use of homeopathy and flower therapy as an aid in the treatment of climacteric symptoms: an integrative review
Autor(es): PEREIRA; Camila, OLIVEIRA; Adriana
Palavras-chave: homeopathy, flower remedies, menopause, climacteric, CAMs
Viscum album L. homeopathic mother tinctures: Metabolome and antitumor activity
Autor(es): MELO; Michelle, 1; Adriana
Palavras-chave: Viscum album, antitumor, metabolome, glycolysis
Wine preservation using potassium metabisulphite high dilution: a preliminary study
Autor(es): STOLBERG; Joni, SCHNEIDER; Ketlin, ASSUMPÇÃO; Wilson, BOFF; Pedro
Palavras-chave: high dilution, total acidity, color, red wine
ISBN: 978-65-81152-38-3
Anais do V International Workshop on Homeopathy of UFRJ & XXXIV GIRI
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