Adaptability and stability for production in progenies of half-sib in Anonna squamosa L.
Autor(es): PIRES; Gabriela, MENDES; Débora, ALBUQUERQUE; Dalcirlei, RIBEIRO; Ana, NIETSCHE; Silvia, PIMENTA; Samy, CUSTODIO; Gabriela
Palavras-chave: Heritability, Mixed model, Plant Breeding.
Analysis of genetic parameters in Jambu seedlings
Autor(es): DIAS1; Joyce, SALGADO2; Camila, DE GUSMÃO3; Leonel
Palavras-chave: Jambu, Genetic Parameters, Germination Test.
Canonical correlation between primary and secondary variables related to papaya fruit quality
Autor(es): MIRANDA1; Daniel, RAMOS2; Helaine, SANTA-CATARINA2; Renato, VETTORAZZI2; Julio, SANTANA2; Josefa, POLTRONIERI2; Tathianne, PIROVANI1; Adriana, PEREIRA2; Messias
Palavras-chave: breeding, Carica papaya, top crosses.
Characterization of popcorn lines under different water conditions based on productive performance
Autor(es): DE OLIVEIRA1*; Uéliton, LEITE2; Jhean, AZEREDO3; Valdinei, KAMPHORST4; Samuel, DE LIMA2; Valter, SANTOS2; Talles, JÚNIOR4; Antônio
Palavras-chave: Drought tolerance, selection, Zea mays L. everta.
Development of plantain hybrids in the northwest region of capixaba
Autor(es): SANTOS1; Letícia, SANTOS1; Geferson, PEREIRA1; Hércules, TRINDADE1; Inês, BERILLI2; Ana, VALADARES3; Fernanda
Palavras-chave: Bananicultura, Development of hybrids, Musa Paradisiaca, Plantain.
Dimensionality reduction techniques assist in the selection of Psidium guajava variables aiming at greater genotypic variance
Autor(es): LIMA1; Joameson, DA SILVA2; Flavia, CORRÊA2; Caio, VIANA3; Alexandre
Palavras-chave: indirect selection, optimized breeding, tropical fruit.
Estimates of the repeatability coefficient in Psidium guajava inbreeding progenies via mixed models
Autor(es): AMBRÓSIO¹; Moisés, JÚNIOR²; Deurimar, CAVALCANTE3; Natan, PREISIGKE3; Sandra, SANTANA3; Josefa, ARAÚJO4; Letícia, VIANA3; Alexandre
Palavras-chave: Inbreeding, Guava, Plant Breeding.
Genetic diversity of interspecific crosses of Psidium spp.
Autor(es): ARAÚJO¹; Letícia, AMBRÓSIO²; Moisés, CARVALHO2; Beatriz, LIMA¹; Joameson, MORAES3; Rafael, DA SILVA²; Flávia, VIANA²; Alexandre
Palavras-chave: Variability, resistance, Psidium cattleianum.
Genotype selection of half-sib progenies of pinheira with higher adaptability and stability
Autor(es): RIBEIRO; Ana, MENDES; Débora, PAIXÃO³; Pedro, PIRES4; Gabriela, NIETSCHE; Silvia, PIMENTA; Samy, PEREIRA; Marlon
Palavras-chave: Plant breeding, REML/BLUP, Genetic gain.
Heterosis: an ally against the harmful effects of drought on the ground?
Autor(es): SCHMITT1; Kátia, DE OLIVEIRA2; Uéliton, CHAVES2; Marcelo, SILVA3; José, GOMES3; Leticia, KAMPHORST4; Samuel, JÚNIOR4; Antônio
Palavras-chave: Popcorn, Hybrid, Tolerance.
Identification and analysis of genes related to callose biosynthesis in the soybean genome
Autor(es): OLIMPIO1; Geovanna, SANGI2; Sara, ¹; Clícia
Palavras-chave: Cell wall, Glucan, Gene duplication, RNA-Seq.
In between complexes: Saccharum and TOR kinase
Autor(es): ALMEIDA-JESUS1; Felipe, AVELINO2; Ana, CALDANA3; Camila, CARNEIRO4; Monalisa, HOTTA5; Carlos
Palavras-chave: Sugarcane, Tor complex, Gene expression.
In silico characterization of pathogenesis-related proteins 1 (PR-1) in Vitis spp. under biotic stress
Autor(es): DE BARROS1; Agnes, DA SILVA2; Jéssica, SILVA3; Roberta, ABURJAIRLE4; Flávia, BENKO-ISEPPON4; Ana, DE CARVALHO5; Reginaldo
Palavras-chave: transcriptome, Xanthomonas citri, plant defense.
Morphophysiological, agronomic, and root traits to estimate diversity in popcorn varieties under different water availability
Autor(es): SANTOS1; Talles, BISPO1; Rosimeire, DE LIMA1; Valter, LEITE1; Jhean, JUNIOR1; Divino, DE OLIVEIRA2; Uéliton, KAMPHORST3; Samuel, JUNIOR4; Antônio
Palavras-chave: Abiotic Stress, Euclidean Distance, Drought.
New loci of quantitative resistance to bacterial spot disease in Capsicum annuum L.
Autor(es): DE ARAÚJO; Maria, SHARMA; Anuj, MINSAVAGE; Gerald, JONES; Jeffrey, RODRIGUES; Rosana
Palavras-chave: Xanthomonads, Xanthomonas gardneri, Xanthomonas euvesicatoria.
New regional heritability mapping methodology for the identification of genes in popcorn
Autor(es): MAFRA; Gabrielle, JUNIOR; Antônio, SANTOS; Juliana, DE SOUZA; Yure, DE ALMEIDA FILHO; Janeo
Palavras-chave: Popcorn, Genes identification, Genomic.
Optimal number of repeated measures for selection of superior genotypes of Cynodon spp.
Autor(es): DO NASCIMENTO1; Emanuel, ELIZEU2; Arthur, PEIXOTO2; Marco, FERREIRA2; Filipe, BENITES3; Flávio, SOBRINHO3; Fausto, BHERING4; Leonardo
Palavras-chave: age breeding, repeatability coefficients, selective accuracy.
Performance and yield stability of tropical maize hybrids under multiple-stress environments
Autor(es): SANTANA1; Alice, FILHO1; Vidomar, RESENDE2; Nathalia, LUZ2; Luiz, SIMÕES1; Emily, DELIMA3; Rodrigo
Palavras-chave: Zea mays L., G×E interaction, lowland, low N
Photochemical potential as a key trait for the selection of drought tolerant popcorn inbred lines
Autor(es): AZEREDO1; Valdinei, LEITE2; Jhean, JÚNIOR2; Divino, DE OLIVEIRA3; Uéliton, SANTOS2; Talles, BISPO2; Rosimeire, JÚNIOR4; Antônio
Palavras-chave: Zea mays var. everta, water stress, photosynthetic index
Pollen grain storage and loss of viability and floral setting in Passiflora edulis Sims
Autor(es): JUNIOR1; Edilson, SERAFINI2; Gabriel, DE PAIVA3; Matheus, PENSO4; Gener, DA COSTA4; Jussara, DOS SANTOS4; Carlos
Palavras-chave: Pollen viability, Passion fruit, Plant breeding.
Prioritizing biotic stress-related genes in soybean by integrating GWAS and coexpression network analysis
Autor(es): ALMEIDA-SILVA1; Fabricio, DE MORAES2; Dayana, VENANCIO3; Thiago
Palavras-chave: QTL, population genomics, bioinformatics.
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of fruits of different plantain hybrids in the northwest region of capixaba
Autor(es): SANTOS1; Geferson, SANTOS1; Letícia, PEREIRA1; Hércules, TRINDADE1; Inês, BERILLI2; Ana, VALADARES3; Fernanda, GONÇALVES4; Dalila
Palavras-chave: Genetic Variability, Hybrids, Musa paradisiaca, Plantain.
Root architecture traits as a mechanism of adaptation to water deficit conditions in popcorn
Autor(es): BISPO1*; Rosimeire, SANTOS1; Talles, DE LIMA1; Valter, LEITE1; Jhean, JÚNIOR1; Divino, RODRIGUES1; Úeliton, KAMPHORST1; Samuel, JUNIOR1; Antonio
Palavras-chave: grain yield, abiotic stress, Zea mays L. var. everta
Selection efficiency in passion fruit aiming at resistance to CABMV by REML/BLUP procedure
Autor(es): VIDAL; Ravena, MENDES; Débora, GONÇALVES JÚNIOR; Deurimar, WALTER; Fernando, CAVALCANTE; Natan, VIANA; Sandra
Palavras-chave: Mixed models, Virus, Passion fruit
Selection of full-sib progenies of sour passion fruit aiming resistance to CABMV
Autor(es): MENDES1; Débora, VIDAL2; Ravena, JÚNIOR3; Deurimar, WALTER4; Fernando, CAVALCANTE5; Natan, PREISIGKE6; Sandra, VIANA5; Alexandre
Palavras-chave: pulp mass, fruit breeding, mixed model.
Selection of genotypes of Psidium spp. resistant to Meloidogyne enterolobii
Autor(es): SERAFINI; Gabriel, OLIVEIRA; Alexandre, LUIZ; Paulo, MARQUES JÚNIOR; Edilson, PENSO; Gener, DA COSTA; Jussara, DOS SANTOS; Carlos
Palavras-chave: Guava, Araçá, Resistance
Selection of Main Components in the Morphological Characterization of Alpínia purpurata
Autor(es): CORDEIRO1; Maria, DAS NEVES2; Leidiane, BENETTI3; Rafael, DE FRANÇA4; Rozineide, SILVA5; Celice
Palavras-chave: Genetic improvement, genetic diversity, tropical flowers
Transcriptional rhythms in sugarcane varieties that contrast for sugar and fiber content
Autor(es): DOS SANTOS1; Ana, DE JESUS2; Felipe, CARNEIRO3; Monalisa, SOUZA4; Glaucia, HOTTA4; Carlos
Palavras-chave: Sugarcane, Circadian clock, Transcriptomics.
Use of mixed models in the selection of precocious carioca bean genotypes in the state of Pernambuco
Autor(es): NASCIMENTO1; Maxwel, DA COSTA2; Antônio, FILHO3; Benedito, DE SOUZA1; Alexandre, SANTOS1; Raiane, DAHER4; Rogério
Palavras-chave: Phaseolus vulgaris, MHPRVG, REML/BLUP.
ISBN: 978-65-86861-48-8
EGMP - Edição 2020